Real Estate Litigation Attorneys

Real Property Litigation Attorneys Serving Treasure Coast— Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC

Real estate is often a person’s largest asset. When you have a nuanced real estate need, such as partitioning a piece of property or a boundary dispute, it is in your best interest to seek experienced legal representation. Attorneys at Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC, serving the Treasure Coast area, have a proven track record in Florida real estate litigation. Our clients appreciate our experience, attention to detail, courtroom savviness, and client-driven approach to problem-solving. We listen to our client’s real estate property issue and formulate a practical legal strategy that aims for the best possible outcome. Contact our Treasure Coast real estate law firm and rest assured your case will be handled with precision.

Filing a Partition Lawsuit in Treasure Coast, FL

Partitioning real estate refers to the fair method of dividing the property. In a partition lawsuit, claimants are not in agreeance and have a common interest in the piece of real estate. Hiring an attorney is highly recommended for partition lawsuits in Florida. Our real estate lawyers offer experienced legal guidance and representation in court. Your attorney will (a) gather all necessary information needed to determine the interests of the litigants; and (b) effectively present it to the court results in a more streamlined, efficient process. For the best outcome possible secure representation from the law firm of Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC.

Property Line and Boundary Disputes in Florida

Resolving a boundary dispute can simply be a matter of showing a county map of land parcels to your disgruntled neighbor. Sometimes hiring a land surveyor solves the issue. In some cases, especially property disputes regarding a large parcel of land, an attorney is required and the issue goes to court. Attorneys at Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC have extensive experience assisting clients with difficult boundary disputes. Our Treasure Coast real estate law firm offers comprehensive services, including:

  • Ejectment/Continuing Trespass Actions
  • Declaratory Judgments
  • Property Improvement Disputes
  • Right of Way/Easement Disputes

Boundary disputes can often result in stress and financial burden for property owners. It is in an owner’s best interest to exhaust all possible options before taking a dispute to court. Our attorneys offer skilled real estate mediation services for boundary disputes. If you have already tried mediation and failed to resolve the problem, the Florida law firm of Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC is ready to effectively litigate on your behalf in a court of law.

Contact Us—Treasure Coast Real Estate Litigation Attorney

Attorneys at Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC are ready to hear from you. As knowledgeable attorneys, experienced in real estate and property laws in Florida, we can guide you towards the legal option that pursues your best possible outcome. Contact our law firm today at 772-464-8200. We proudly represent property owners in St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin & Okeechobee Counties, and also accept cases in Brevard and Polk Counties.

Contact Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC

For representation, call Neill, Marquis, Osking & Hale, PLLC at 772-464-8200 or contact us online, and inquire concerning a free initial consultation.

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